Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I have a dog named Ozzy. I love me some Ozzy. I got him a few years back when I dog sat for my co-worker's family. Her name is Lilly. She was a lab and for about 2 months afterwords, I kept finding dog hair. She really shed.

Back to Ozzy he is the cutest dog on the planet. I got him from a local shelter. I made my Lil' Bro' go to the shelter with me. I beat out some 7 year old kid and an elderly person for this dog. When I saw these people coming to look at my dog, I made the shelter worker take him from the cage because he was coming home with me. I must say, I had to have a dog that is almost as fabulous as me. That is what I got. He loves to walk and go to the dog park and play with his large and ever growing basket of toys.

A week or so ago we went to the 12K's of Christmas which is a walk/run event (the JOB) sponsors. He had his Elf collar on (the Bro's don't like it! Who Cares he is cute).

Live, Life, Love

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute post!! You added a picture!? So exciting :)

