Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Random again/Family

The Scrub Daddy worked on my sink. What a great idea. However, I will never use the detergent for the dish washer again to clean anything other than the dishes in the dishwasher. This past Saturday, the Parents decided to go to San Diego. They drive over several times per year. The will drive just to get away for a few days. They will never let us kids go. We kids are not kids any more! I have wondered why can't I go with them. I only want to experience what they love about the city. My dad was in the Navy and I know he likes seeing the ships. But they always say no you cannot go with us. So I made up a story in my head and told them they go over to see there other family! I also said those kids must act much better than the 3 of us. Both of them just looked at me and said that "I was crazy". I have just about convinced my 2 brother that this is what they are doing. Also remember to always hit the "Save" button. While they were away, I stopped by the parent's home to check on Lil'Bro'. He was doing nothing, I mean absolutely nothing. We sat and talked about my future, where I am at in my life, where I want to go. I was fun to just sit and talk. Then one by one 2 of my 3 nephews (and Lit' Bro' who adopted us) show up and left. With each one of them, the conversation went to why should men have to pay child support. WWHHAATT! Mind you, that my nephews don't have kids and are not paying! I did say that if you make a child, then the child should be supported by both parents. We went round and round about this topic. They nor I will change my mind about it (well maybe when they grow up. They are in the early 20's. We then said our see you later's and parted ways. After all, it was Saturday night. On my way home, I again begin to think about how luck/blessed that I am. My nephew's hugged me, laughed with me, and wanted to be around me. That makes me very, very happy! Yeah! I am blessed. Live, Life, Love

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Nothing exciting happened today. Get up, walk the dog, go to work, come home, walk the dog again and get prepaired to do the same thing tomorrow. I think that I will clean the kitchen sink. Last week, I decided to put the detergent that goes into the dishwasher into the sing. I had a little left in a bottle and I then decided to use that to clean the sink. Big Mistake! I now have some white film in the sink that will not go away. I think that I will use my Scrub Daddy to see if it will go away! I hope this works. "Thanks 6, 7 or 8 year old Palmolive. You will now sleep with the fishes! Live, Life, Love

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

addition to 45 in 45

i must put out that some of these things are just "things" that I have been talking about for years that have not gotten done. 13. Get a smart phone 14. Cancel cox home phone 15. Repaint the patio table 16. Work on the garden (what a mess) 17. Purchase a camera so that I can put photos on the blog 18. Learn how to put a link on the blog Live, Life, Love

45 in 45 Old Friends

Last Saturday, I went to dinner with Rae & Vanessa. I had not realized it has been a year since I've seen them. I had really thought that the girlfriend relation ship was nearing its end. I thought this because I am moving to another direction in my life and did not believe we were on the same page. I felt they were stuck in a place that I no longer belong. I have now realized that my journey is just that. My Journey! As we sat at Giesha A Go Go eating our California rolls talking about our past and our futures. I though that maybe I was wrong! Maybe these two old friends could understand the directions that I want to take in my life. I did let them know Its not them; its me! (that's funny). But, it really is me! These are relationships that I do want to continue. Its really important to me. Live, Live Love

Saturday, August 10, 2013

45 in 45 series Grandma

Yesterday, I saw my Grandmother for the first time in a few months. I really feel ashamed as she is in an assisted living faciltiy not that far from my home. She is only about 9 miles from me. In my year of 45 in 45, I will go and see her more often. I don't have any excuses and will not do this again. I forgot how much fun visiting her can be. The had a singer named Jim Bean. Yes! Jim Bean. This is because he is about 6'5" and weights about 135. So, I get the Jim Bean. We sat and listed to him and my mind started wondering if I should have brought some Jim Beam! As we sat listining she asked me about 2 million times when she is going home. She asks thif often. I always tell her to ask my Uncle Leon. She says she will not as she does not want to bother him or upset him. I tell her but you will as me. She said yes but that is ok. OMG! can we care about possibly upsetting the Grandchild! Well, I guess not. I did ask her if she wanted me to break her out of the facility. She said no because she is paying for a room and she eats 3 meals per day! Go figure! I looked at her and again was upset with myself for not seeing her more often. She listened to the music, bobbed her head. We held hands. I am so lucky that I still have a Grandmother living. I have been able to spend 45 great years with her. No! I will never go months at a time not driving 9 miles to visit her! Live, Life, Love!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Addition to 45 in 45

Now that I am starting to write on this blog with my 45 things in my 45th year, I have decided that when I check one thing off the list I must add something to the list. I have started writing on this blog and I am reconnecting with 2 of my old friends this Saturday. I will I am now adding the following: 11. See my Grandmother more. She is in a nursing home 12. Research Skydiving. I have not made a decision on this one at this time. However, I will seriously look into it to see if this is something that I can do. I mean it will be a serious look (pray). Live, Life, Love

Monday, August 5, 2013

45 years old

Last week i turned 45 years old. On that day I had lunch with Lil' Sis". She asked me a few lings Like why am I not blogging. Well did not have an answer for that one. Also what do I want to do in the next year. She suggested that I make a list of 45 things that I want to do in the next year. I though 45 things!! I then though that I could write about these things on the blog. Lil' Sis' reads this blog and she will keep me honest. I tried to think of the 45 things and have only come up with 10 so far. My goal is 45 for the year. Lets just start with the 10. 1. Write on this blog 2. Continue to be happy! 3. Get a boyfriend 4. Continue to update my home 5. Get a new Kitchen sink 6. Go to Mandy's wedding 7. Be more social 8. Get out of my comfort zone 9. Get in touch with Rae & Vanessa 10. Find my inner 20's person with respect to goal setting and goal achieving. I have done 2 of these things today. I am writing on this blog and I have asked Rae and Vanessa if they would like to meet for lunch or dinner this weekend. I am off to a good start! Live, Life, Love