Saturday, August 10, 2013

45 in 45 series Grandma

Yesterday, I saw my Grandmother for the first time in a few months. I really feel ashamed as she is in an assisted living faciltiy not that far from my home. She is only about 9 miles from me. In my year of 45 in 45, I will go and see her more often. I don't have any excuses and will not do this again. I forgot how much fun visiting her can be. The had a singer named Jim Bean. Yes! Jim Bean. This is because he is about 6'5" and weights about 135. So, I get the Jim Bean. We sat and listed to him and my mind started wondering if I should have brought some Jim Beam! As we sat listining she asked me about 2 million times when she is going home. She asks thif often. I always tell her to ask my Uncle Leon. She says she will not as she does not want to bother him or upset him. I tell her but you will as me. She said yes but that is ok. OMG! can we care about possibly upsetting the Grandchild! Well, I guess not. I did ask her if she wanted me to break her out of the facility. She said no because she is paying for a room and she eats 3 meals per day! Go figure! I looked at her and again was upset with myself for not seeing her more often. She listened to the music, bobbed her head. We held hands. I am so lucky that I still have a Grandmother living. I have been able to spend 45 great years with her. No! I will never go months at a time not driving 9 miles to visit her! Live, Life, Love!

1 comment:

  1. Your Grandma sounds like a lady with a lot of spunk!! Glad you got to visit her this weekend :)
